What are today’s young people like? Why are they different than in the past? What will they be like in the near future? What should be done to protect them against the negative consequences of various hazards? Certainly all of us ask ourselves those questions and try to find answers to them by proposing the best solutions and striving to understand and learn the motives behind the actions of young persons. What is important, however, is that we should not limit ourselves to trying to counter what we currently perceive as problems (which we analyze and study after they occur), but instead we should make efforts, by forming coalitions of experts, researchers, scientists, and practitioners, to conduct joint actions that will enable us to actively counter situations that will constitute a real threat in the near future.
By combining our experiences, knowledge, resources, and intent to effectively support young people in making the right choice, the Police in the Wielkopolskie Province recommended undertaking the interdisciplinary project named “Threats observatory for young people.”
By winning the support of a number of institutions and entities whose representatives responded to the invitation and declared involvement in the project, we believe we can join forces in a partnership coalition and take actions aimed to more and more effectively prevent all negative phenomena occurring in groups of young people nowadays.
The project is intended to analyze the problem and to collect the latest information about trends, lifestyles, and threats that are present, in relation to both existing and new ones, which are affected by the civilizational changes, including access to mass media, the Internet, and dangers caused by contemporaries, also from other countries. Collection of data on the problem is also intended to encourage talks and reflections among the indicated changes and to create a platform for discussion and diagnosis of presence of threats. The location of the project on the level of the Province Marshal’s Office and involvement of entities on the provincial level will enable comprehensive actions in their area of interest.
Diagnosis of current threats and their conditions.
Anticipation of newly occurring threats.
Performance of periodic studies of threats faced by young people and update of the knowledge (e.g. once every six months).
Analysis and determination of trends in the phenomena.
Supporting the coordination of actions related to prevention of the threats present in the environment of young persons.
With the aim of effectiveness of our initiative and professional performance of cognitive and preventive objectives, we declare close cooperation and involvement of entities that work with young persons on a daily basis and institutions that perform tasks associated with diagnosis and limitation of negative social phenomena occurring among young persons. We will base our joint efforts on a diagnosis of threats that exist and anticipation of future dangers arising from various causes and dependent on social, environmental, cultural, and personality variables. Continuous observation of phenomena will be based on systematic collection and analysis of collected information, results of studies, and scientific opinions.
Regional Police Headquarters in Poznan
Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region in Poznan
Wielkopolska Voivodship Office in Poznan
The Education Office in Poznan
District Court in Poznan
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Urząd Marszałkowski w Poznaniu
Regional Centre of Social Policy in Poznan
Wielkopolski Urząd Wojewódzki
Teacher Training Center in Poznan
Kuratorium Oświaty w Poznaniu
Committee for Protection of Child Rights in Poznan
Sąd Okręgowy w Poznaniu
Santander Foundation
Polish Platform for Homeland Security
The Polish Platform for Homeland Security coordinates the Secretariat of the Threats Observatory for Young People
Video made by the Fly Promotion.