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A meeting of the “Threats observatory for young people”

On 22 November 2018, the Regional Police Headquarters in Poznan, together with the Circuit Probation Officer of the Circuit Court in Poznań, organized specialized training named "Abducted child - childhood under threat," which took place in the District Court in Poznań.


The training was attended by a large group of police officers from the entire Wielkopolskie Province, as well as judges, probation officers, and expert witnesses. The meeting was organized as a part of the program titled "Threats observatory for young people." The subject matter of the training included such areas as legal changes and tasks of courts, probation officers, Evaluation Teams of Court Specialists, and the Police in child abduction cases.

The training was intended to update and broaden the knowledge of the attendees so that they can conduct their actions in the most professional and effective manner and, most importantly, so that they would ensure the child's best interests, which is certainly the idea behind the project.




Sekretariat Obserwatorium jest obsługiwany przez Polską Platformę Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego

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